Thanks for the feedback. The idea of offering add-ons is to make the plugin less bloated. In terms of speed and size, it’s about the same though – well written plugins do not slow down WordPress. On the other hand, having too many features would probably be confusing – for example, you probably don’t offer a mobile App for your site, so why have a bunch of features about mobile Apps – best to make that an optional add-on. The WPSSO OPM add-on (which you are rating here) is similar – most people don’t need to manage multiple organizations or places – most sites only have a single organization for their site, so do not need the WPSSO OPM add-on. The idea behind add-ons is to allow users to activate extra features if/when they need them. Since you’re rating the WPSSO OPM add-on here, it sounds like you need to manage multiple organizations and places – I would think that you would value the availability of this kind of add-on.